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Provider Solutions


TASCO contracts directly with healthcare providers of all types and specialties to establish simple reimbursement arrangements.


Some of the advantages and benefits for participating providers are:


  • No network participation fee

  • Direct payments from payers

  • Timelier claims adjudication and reduced probability of claims denials

  • Ability to render services to a greater number of patients

  • Expedited revenue cycles via 30-day guaranteed reimbursement and elimination of balance billing

  • Payers cannot reduce claims further via reasonable and customary or bill review amounts



TASCO employs professionals with expertise and the state-of-the-art information technologies in order to provide the best possible TPA services. Through its network of over 106,000 healthcare providers under contract, TASCO can achieve significant savings for most of the claims. By communicating with the providers via EDI, TASCO processes claims with speed and accuracy. 



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Payer Solutions


Payers must have a contractual relationship with TASCO in order to access our network and the reimbursement arrangements TASCO holds with participating providers. Access to the TASCO network allows for expedited claims adjudication with significant savings, increased payment acceptance and extension of coverage for members nationally.


  • Expedited claims adjudication with significant savings

  • Reduced "whitespace"

  • Access to mutually agreed upon reimbursement rates

  • Extension of coverage for members nationally


Furthermore, TASCO offers client-customized provider recruiting. TASCO can identify needed providers by tracking and monitoring non-participating provider utilization. Using the collected data, TASCO is then able to apply a targeted approach to recruiting ensuring that contractual reimbursement arrangements are obtained with utilized providers.

Patient Solutions


Patients accessing the TASCO network must have healthcare coverage through a TASCO payer. 


Patients will experience many benefits from visiting a TASCO-contracted provider:


  • Extension of coverage on a national level

  • Increased access to local providers when working out-of-area, traveling or living out-of-area (students)

  • Lesser out-of-pocket expense via elimination of balance billing. Patients are only responsible for their co-pay and/or deductible

  • Consistent payment of claims by TASCO payers at rates that do not vary from visit to visit




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